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Richard Clayderman North American Tour - Calgary
7:30 PM19:30

Richard Clayderman North American Tour - Calgary

  • Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


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Richard Clayderman is coming to Calgary this Fall! Being an inspirational musician for over 30 years, he is a true piano phenomenon, who has created the new romantic style of piano playing by combining the classical and pop music in a hugely successful manner. By skillfully collaborating and connecting with his audience on an emotional level during his world tours, Richard Clayderman often creates an incredibly romantic ambiance in the concert hall where he chooses to perform. He likes to mix different tempos, rhythms and styles to evoke all kinds of emotion. Richard Clayderman’s timeless musicality combined with his charismatic personality has been perceived by his audience to be both genuine and enormously touching. A true legend, Clayderman’s dazzling performance and his special use of the keyboard and orchestra have gained him unprecedented popularity in the music industry.

理查德·克萊德曼出生於法國巴黎,在音樂生涯中,他創作、改編多首如《獻給愛麗絲》、《夢中的婚禮》、《水邊的阿狄麗娜》、《梁祝》、《秋日私語》等鋼琴曲而聞名全球。出道至今,克萊德曼已錄製近1000首曲子,全球範圍的銷量已接近9千萬張,擁有267張金唱片和70張白金唱片。克萊德曼是當今世界上擁有金唱片最多的鋼琴演奏家。 理查德也是在中國改革開放時期最初進軍中國市場的少數外國音樂家之一。理查德·克萊德曼以古典音樂為基礎,將古典音樂與現代音樂溶為一體。他的樂曲樸實、流暢、優雅、華美,旋律悠揚、合聲簡潔、音色輝煌,充滿了詩情畫意。讓改革開放初期仍有一點保守的中國人找到了一種浪漫而又不露骨的美。

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Richard Clayderman North America Tour - Vancouver
3:00 PM15:00

Richard Clayderman North America Tour - Vancouver

金秋十月,温哥华VISM首次为多伦多迎来了钢琴王子Richard Clayderman理查德•克莱德曼的流行钢琴音乐盛会。2016年10月2日下午三点,朦朦细雨中,悦耳的钢琴声准时在加拿大顶级音乐厅Roy Thomson Hall内响起。台下座无虚席,首首耳熟能详的乐曲将观众带回了那个浪漫的年代,沉浸在了美妙的音乐声中。

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